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Legal Note

In accordance with E-Commerce And Information Society Services, the following company data is provided.

Digital Signage Hamburg GmbH
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
Handelsregisternummer: HRB 124565
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Hamburg
Steuernummer: 44/715/00556
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE286001817

Business address:
Lehmweg 17
20251 Hamburg
Telephone: +49 (0) 151 14375754

Intellectual Property

The contents of this web site, text, images, sounds, animations, etc. as well as the graphic design and source code are protected by the law regarding the intellectual and industrial property rights of Digital Signage Hamburg GmbH . As such, their reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, totally or partially, is prohibited without the express authorization of Digital Signage Hamburg GmbH.

Information contained on our website

Digital Signage Hamburg GmbH goes to enormous lengths to ensure that all information contained at our virtual shop “” is current and correct. However, we can never rule out errors or omissions, which is why you should always check with Digital Signage Hamburg GmbH regarding the accuracy of the said information. Consequently the contents of this website must not be considered as an advance affirmation of characteristics.

Digital Signage Hamburg GmbH. will not be held responsible for the use that is made by its users of the information contained on our website, nor will it be held responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of information contained herein.

Under no circumstances will this affect the consumer rights to which the customers of Digital Signage Hamburg GmbH. are legally entitled.

Information contained on other websites linked to this one

Digital Signage Hamburg GmbH cannot check, or in fact has checked, the information contained on web pages linked to and from this page, consequently it cannot be held responsible for the information contained therein.

Use of the said linked web pages is at the User’s sole risk, who must also abide by the terms and conditions of use for the said pages.

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All the brands, trademarks and logos appearing in this website are property of Digital Signage Hamburg GmbH or third parties and therefore cannot be used in advertisements or any other marketing material related to the distribution of any information or content extracted from this website without prior written consent of the brand owner.

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Digital Signage Hamburg GmbH. reserves the right to modify or remove both the information contained on its website as well as the layout an presentation, without prior notice, exempt of all responsibility for such.

Instructions regarding technical issues

Digital Signage Hamburg GmbH. will not be held liable for any technical problems or faults on computer equipment that may occur during connection to the internet, or any other damages caused by illegal intromissions by third parties beyond the control of Digital Signage Hamburg GmbH. .

Neither shall we be liable for any possible losses or damages that the user may suffer as a result of errors, faults or omissions in the information that we provide when it comes from sources other than ours.

Privacy Policy

Digital Signage Hamburg GmbH. declares that the personal details provided voluntarily on this web site shall be processed automatically and inserted in the corresponding files.

The data inserted in our files are totally confidential and shall be treated with the maximum confidentiality, in compliance with all the requirements provided for the Protection of Personal Details. Users may exercise their right to access, rectify, cancel or oppose the use of their details at any time.

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© 2013 Sirkom- Digital Signage Hamburg GmbH, Lehmweg 17, 20251 Hamburg, Germany | Tel.: +49 (0) 151 14375754 |

| Legal Note | Legal Terms |